"When one realizes his awakened consciousness he, surely, attains immortality. With the Self one attains strength; with knowledge one attains immortality."
Kena Upaniṣad. II. 4
Kena Upaniṣad. II. 4
Throughout history, humans have sought a knowledge beyond what is acquired through the ordinary means of observation and deductive reasoning and, indeed, there are those who claimed to have experienced a state of consciousness by which transcendental knowledge is obtained. That state has been defined in various terms, such as realization of the Absolute Reality, becoming one with God, the recognition of one’s true self, etc. The attainment of that state, known as “awakening” or “enlightenment,” endows one with a direct knowledge of Truth and those who have achieved that knowledge are often called saints and sages.
Awakening is the realization that one is not an individual entity made of a body, mind, sense organs, etc., but pure consciousness. It is a shift in one’s perspective and not the product of any particular action or event. So why, then, should one endeavor on a spiritual path? Because, simply put, spiritual practice purifies the mind, allowing one’s True Nature, which is Being-Awareness-Bliss, to shine forth.
This site presents the path of meditation and self-enquiry that aided the author in realizing his true nature. This path is not new, it has been practiced by seekers of Truth for thousands of years. The principles and practices of this path are also detailed in the Sanskrit scriptures of ancient India. New translations of several spiritual texts are included on this site. They have been divided into two categories: Yoga texts, which focus on the practical aspects of the path, and the Upaniṣads, which focus on the nature of the Absolute and the True Self.
Awakening is the realization that one is not an individual entity made of a body, mind, sense organs, etc., but pure consciousness. It is a shift in one’s perspective and not the product of any particular action or event. So why, then, should one endeavor on a spiritual path? Because, simply put, spiritual practice purifies the mind, allowing one’s True Nature, which is Being-Awareness-Bliss, to shine forth.
This site presents the path of meditation and self-enquiry that aided the author in realizing his true nature. This path is not new, it has been practiced by seekers of Truth for thousands of years. The principles and practices of this path are also detailed in the Sanskrit scriptures of ancient India. New translations of several spiritual texts are included on this site. They have been divided into two categories: Yoga texts, which focus on the practical aspects of the path, and the Upaniṣads, which focus on the nature of the Absolute and the True Self.
I submit to the Supreme, Who is without beginning or end, Who is unchanging awareness, and Who is the Omnipresent Lord and Intimate Self of all beings. May we always be mindful of that Supreme Reality.
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