Sanskrit words on this website are written using the International Alphabet of Sanskrit Transliteration (IAST) often referred to as Roman Code, since it uses Roman characters and diacritical marks (the dots and lines above and below the letters).
Pronunciation of IAST Letters
Letter Pronunciation Description
a “a” in awe Short guttural vowel
ā “a” in car Long “a” vowel
i “i” in bit Short palatal vowel
ī “ee” in beet Long “i” vowel
u “u” in full Short labial vowel
ū “oo” in root Long “u” vowel
ṛ “ri” in rip, slightly rolled “r” Short retroflex vowel
ṝ “ree” in reef, slightly rolled “r” Long “ṛ” vowel
ḷ “lry” in jewelry Short retroflex-dental vowel
e “a” in mate Long guttural-palatal vowel
ai “ai” in aisle Long guttural-palatal diphthong
o “o” in boat Long guttural-labial diphthong
au “ou” in loud Long guttural-labial diphthong
ṁ “ong” in song Nasal “m”, ½ length of short vowel
ḥ “h” in home ½ length of short vowel
k “k” in kick Hard guttural consonant
kh “kh” in bunkhouse Hard guttural-aspirate consonant
g “g” in game Soft guttural consonant
gh “gh” in doghouse Soft guttural-aspirate consonant
ṅ “n” in bang Soft guttural-nasal consonant
c “ch” in chose Hard guttural-palatal consonant
ch “ch-h” in catch-her Hard palatal-aspirate consonant
j “j” in just Soft palatal consonant
jh “ge-h” in judge-him Soft palatal-aspirate consonant
ñ “ny” in canyon Soft palatal-nasal consonant
ṭ “t” in tub Hard retroflex consonant
ṭh “th” in pothole Hard retroflex-aspirate consonant
ḍ “d” in dot Soft retroflex consonant
ḍh “dh” in godhead Soft retroflex-aspirate consonant
ṇ “n” in turn Soft retroflex-nasal consonant
t “t” in tea Hard dental consonant
th “th” in butthead Hard dental-aspirate consonant
d “d” in dog Soft dental consonant
dh “dh” in adhere Soft dental-aspirate consonant
n “n” in name Soft dental-nasal consonant
p “p” in pink Hard labial consonant
ph “ph” in uphill Hard labial-aspirate consonant
b “b” in bad Soft labial consonant
bh “bh” in abhor Soft labial-aspirate consonant
m “m” in make Soft labial-nasal consonant
y “y” in yet Soft palatal semivowel
r “r” in rat Soft retroflex semivowel
l “l” in land Soft dental semivowel
v “w” in wag Soft labial semivowel
ś “sh” in cash Hard palatal sibilant
ṣ “sh” in shall Hard retroflex sibilant
s “s” in sand Hard dental sibilant
h “h” in hello Soft guttural sonant aspirate
a “a” in awe Short guttural vowel
ā “a” in car Long “a” vowel
i “i” in bit Short palatal vowel
ī “ee” in beet Long “i” vowel
u “u” in full Short labial vowel
ū “oo” in root Long “u” vowel
ṛ “ri” in rip, slightly rolled “r” Short retroflex vowel
ṝ “ree” in reef, slightly rolled “r” Long “ṛ” vowel
ḷ “lry” in jewelry Short retroflex-dental vowel
e “a” in mate Long guttural-palatal vowel
ai “ai” in aisle Long guttural-palatal diphthong
o “o” in boat Long guttural-labial diphthong
au “ou” in loud Long guttural-labial diphthong
ṁ “ong” in song Nasal “m”, ½ length of short vowel
ḥ “h” in home ½ length of short vowel
k “k” in kick Hard guttural consonant
kh “kh” in bunkhouse Hard guttural-aspirate consonant
g “g” in game Soft guttural consonant
gh “gh” in doghouse Soft guttural-aspirate consonant
ṅ “n” in bang Soft guttural-nasal consonant
c “ch” in chose Hard guttural-palatal consonant
ch “ch-h” in catch-her Hard palatal-aspirate consonant
j “j” in just Soft palatal consonant
jh “ge-h” in judge-him Soft palatal-aspirate consonant
ñ “ny” in canyon Soft palatal-nasal consonant
ṭ “t” in tub Hard retroflex consonant
ṭh “th” in pothole Hard retroflex-aspirate consonant
ḍ “d” in dot Soft retroflex consonant
ḍh “dh” in godhead Soft retroflex-aspirate consonant
ṇ “n” in turn Soft retroflex-nasal consonant
t “t” in tea Hard dental consonant
th “th” in butthead Hard dental-aspirate consonant
d “d” in dog Soft dental consonant
dh “dh” in adhere Soft dental-aspirate consonant
n “n” in name Soft dental-nasal consonant
p “p” in pink Hard labial consonant
ph “ph” in uphill Hard labial-aspirate consonant
b “b” in bad Soft labial consonant
bh “bh” in abhor Soft labial-aspirate consonant
m “m” in make Soft labial-nasal consonant
y “y” in yet Soft palatal semivowel
r “r” in rat Soft retroflex semivowel
l “l” in land Soft dental semivowel
v “w” in wag Soft labial semivowel
ś “sh” in cash Hard palatal sibilant
ṣ “sh” in shall Hard retroflex sibilant
s “s” in sand Hard dental sibilant
h “h” in hello Soft guttural sonant aspirate